Version 5.4.0

Tuesday October 16, 2018

With the new version 5.4 medialoopster supports the integration of AI services for content analysis. In addition, data exchange and communication with third-party systems, multi-site workflows and search behaviour have been improved.


Speech to text (optional module)

  • Creating an automatic transcript with speaker recognition.
  • Automatic segmentation of the transcript into subtitle segments.
  • Manual editing of the automatically generated transcript.
  • Display the subtitles in the video player.

Dynamic XML metadata exchange through new XML processor

A universal medialoopster XML schema was introduced for importing and exporting complete metadata sets of individual assets. In addition, own mappings into the medialoopster metadata schema can be made via XSL transformation.

Thus it is now possible to import and export medialoopster metadata in the form of sidecar XML files in almost any format!

With the new function, both initial metadata imports and metadata updates for existing assets can be performed.

Multi-site workflows

  • Copying of project assets.
  • Improved display of hires availability.
  • Support of UNC paths.
  • Asset sharing now works independently of the site where the user is logged in.
  • Withdrawal dates are preselected when assets are shared.
  • Search results show whether assets are shared with other productions.

Improved search behavior

For users, the display of search results is significantly improved by highlighting the search terms found.

Administrators now have much more control over the behaviour of the medialoopster search. The metadata fields used by the primary search field and their impact on the result ranking can now be configured. In addition, there are extended configuration options for the search field mappings.

  • Selection lists can be configured for search field mappings.
  • Search field mappings can be configured to search for the duration of video and audio assets.

More control in asset housekeeping

The asset hold durations in medialoopster can now be assinged at production and device level. This allows you to define individual hold durations for different content pools in the medialoopster site administration. In addition, authorized users can now independently change the hold durations for individual assets.

The timings for automatic deletion or archiving can thus be adjusted even more easily and specifically to the respective requirements.

Before deleting media assets via housekeeping or medialoopster management, the system checks whether the media assets are used in one or more project assets. In this case, the media assets are not deleted.

More convenient user administration

In the user administration, permissions and groups of one user can now be transferred to one or more other users. In addition, multiple users can now be easily activated and deactivated at the same time.

User interface improvements

  • The loading of video assets was significantly accelerated in the web browser interface.
  • Entered search terms are retained even after the page has been reloaded.
  • The assignment of keywords at sequence level has been improved.
  • A new menu for performing asset actions is introduced.
  • New asset actions in medialoopster management.
  • Interface revision of the site administration.
  • Custom poster frames can be created for video assets.
  • For video assets, thumbnails can be displayed in the default view (feature flag).

New monitoring page

  • Metrics for real-time monitoring of system processes.
  • Process overviews without media management functions.

API enhancements

  • New API endpoint for requesting default asset hold durations for productions and devices.
  • New API endpoint for removing media assets from project assets.


  • Share button for project assets without functionality.
  • Missing display of production after failed browser upload.
  • When using the search option field, searching for asset names leads to confusing results.